Laredo College

Laredo, Texas

Laredo College uses DesignPLUS to design a template that helps instructors meet the Quality Matters standards in their Canvas courses. In delivering the template to instructors, the courses meet 30 out of 42 of the QM Standards right off the bat, leaving the instructors with clear guidance on how to meet the remaining standards in their course content. Prior to using DesignPLUS, the template that Canvas courses were based on were text heavy, and difficult to navigate. In using DesignPLUS, Laredo was able to efficiently deliver courses with a much more engaging visual design, and include important components across courses to deliver a consistent high quality experience for students. Below are screenshots of the template before and after using DesignPLUS:

Before DesignPLUS:

After DesignPLUS:

Laredo College is a public college with two campuses that serve more than 10,000 students each semester.

Alicia Reed
eLearning Specialist & Analyst